Wednesday 25 March 2009

award from nurul..

thanks a lot nurul....=)

Wednesday 18 March 2009

about my hubby..

1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
of course la tgk movie...die suke sgt2 tgk movie...sampaikan aku xsempat nk follow...hehe...
2. You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
of couse la mayo...but,he loves cheese...opps,ape kaitan..ehehe
3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?
rasenye suma die makan...ehehe...
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
nasi tomyam an nescafe o ais
5. Where did he go to high school?
sekolah menengah sultan yahya in kuala krai
MRSM kota putra
6. What size shoes does he wear?
7 or 8 for nike shoes...
7. If he was to collect anything, what would hpait be?
watches and of course la nike and adidas shoes..
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? egg sandwich..slalu buatkan utk my hubby..
9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
mesti ade nasi...malam roti bakar...ehehe
10. What is his favorite cereal?
rase2nye die makan sume....
11. What would he never wear?
huhu..mesti la pakaian perempuan..ahakzz..
12. What is his favorite sports team?
13. Who did he vote for?
die xdaftar pn agi...ehehe
14. Who is his best friend?
jiran2 di kuala krai
of course la..nono...ehehe
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?
slalu menangis..
16. What is his heritage?
kuala krai,kelantan
17. What is his favourite colour?
18. What is his habit?
suke sgt tido...
19. What is he proud of?
have a happy family n being a part of my life..
20. Lastly, do you think he will read this?
of course...n if ade our new pic,die la org 1st yg suh i upload...hehe

~my birthday wishlist~

ehem2..becoming 24 years old this coming 28th,ni some of my bday wishlist...
  1. dipanjangkan umur
  2. dimurahkan rezeki
  3. diberkati Allah S.W.T
  4. diberi kemudahan dalam mencari kerja
  5. lagi menghormati my parents
  6. lagi..lagi...happy dengan my hubby...
  7. adiah..?? tu no 2.....first,cume nk kasih syg je dari abang...
  8. choc!
  9. celebrate with my hubby cayang..
  10. of course la..nak berjaya dalam hidup...

Number 5...

tagged from 2 nuru n pn najihah...
5 things found in my bag:
purse, 2 Nokia handphones, car's key,Estee Lauder Pleasures,St Ives vitamin E hand cream..
5 things found in my wallet:
duit,my pic with my hubby,atm card,ic,lesen keta...
5 favourite things in my room:
my bed,almari,jam dinding yg sgt comel,all my stuff,cermin..(mmg ari2 kena intai cermin)..
5 things I've always wanted to do:
happy with my hubby,bina keluarga yg dipenuhi dgn kasih syg with my hubby,cari keja,always nk tgk hubby depan mata, n more disiplin in ibadat...agama...

Thursday 12 March 2009


award ni ghah yg hadiahkan..wah3...thanks a lot beb..the rockest blog!

Saturday 7 March 2009


last friday, kami2 pegi pulau teluk rejuna..umah pakcik aku...buat majlis maulidur rasul n aqiqah cucunye yang comei alkisahnya....naik bot..sempat lagi berposing...ehehe..saje je...

~my cousin n my sis~
~my aunt,cousin n baju pink,widad sempat agi melompat2 dlm bot...eheh...tunjuk aksi berani~

~aku....merenung masa depan..ahazxx..~

~ni la kawasan umah pakcik aku...acctually,ni penempatan rumah agihan zakat MAIK...untuk keluarga yang teruk kena hakisan banjir baru ni...dapat la umah...ehehe...ok gak umah ni...mcm chalet gtu..ehehe..umah pn quite ok..ade 3 bilik...~

~uppsss...model keee?~

~time tunggu bot datang amik...ehehe..~

~lagi gambar kawasan perumahan tu..~

~new born~

Last 2weeks, my cousin dapat new baby...huhu...1st baby..comei2....n..jumaat bru ni, buat majlis aqiqah....nama baby ni nor elisha adriyana....comei antara gambar2 yg aku sempat amik...

malam fesko...

hehe..saje2 je....gambar time fesko...saje nk tu juk gambar ni..promosi madu majesty n chocodate...huhu...

Wednesday 4 March 2009


1) Do u think u are HOT?
~ hot ke?? hehe..xde nye...Hot Fm kot...huhu~
2) Upload a fav pic of you
3) Why do u like this picture?
~kami berkumpul ramai2..lepaking kat pantai perkasa...bbq..mandi...berkumpul geng2 dr kecik+gemg flat imigresen+geng skolah rendah+geng skolah menengah+geng kuar makan2 n jalan2+geng UiTm =kami semua...hehe...dah lama knal...dari aku kecik agi...mmmuahhsss...sayang suma2....opss..lupe nk knalkan...
from left: aku,layla,ain,wani,lily n along.....~
4) When was the last time u ate pizza?
~lupala....sejak dalam proses diet ni..lama dah xmakan pizza~..=(
5) The last song u listen too?
~janji manismu from to Hot Fm...lalala...~

6) What are u doing right now besides this.

~nothing....mengadap blog jer~

7)What name u prefer besides yours?

Nor utk family..nono untuk member2 UitM n st John...faridah untuk member2 skolah....honey untuk my abg cayang..~